We invite all participants of SCS2021 to submit an abstract for an oral and/or poster presentation.
The deadline for submitting an abstract for oral and poster presentations is June 18th was extended until July 2nd. All abstracts will be evaluated based on scientific relevance.
We need that you are registered in EasyChair to submit your abstract.
The submissions are now closed
The authors of selected abstract and/or presentation will be contacted by July 10th.
Abstract guidelines:
Please note that our scientific committee will select the talks and posters only based on the abstracts.
1. The abstract content should not be more than 150 words.
3. The abstract should include the introduction, objectives, methodology, results, and conclusion altogether in a single paragraph.
4. The submission must be written in English.
Please do not use abbreviations or references in the abstract.
Contact us with any question: cleidy.osorio@usp.br