

Q: Do I have to be registered for SCS before I apply for a fellowship?

A: No, while you will have to be registered for the conference to receive a fellowship you will not need to be registered until after fellowship notification.

Q: What are the requirements to apply for a fellowship?

A: https://www.scs2020.iscbsc.org/fellowship

Q: When will I know whether I was awarded a travel fellowship?

A: Fellowship acceptance notifications will be sent out in June. The applicants will have one week to accept.

Q: When will I receive the money (applies to remote participation fellowship ony?

A: The students should send their invoices (related to remote participation, max 100USD) to symposium@iscbsc.org. During the subsequent month the corresponding amount of money will be reimbursed.

Q: I have been invited to apply for a fellowship for both the ISMB main conference and the ISCB Student Council. Would the expenses be shared between both of them? How should I proceed?

A: We would suggest applying for both the ISMB main conference and ISCB Student Council fellowships, as both are highly competitive. T

Q: I registered SCS2020 while I registered for ISMB2020. Do I need to register again?

A: No. 


Q: Will I receive an invitation letter if my poster/presentation is accepted?

A: We do not send any invitation letters (neither electronic, nor in paper) on poster/presentation acceptance. We only send a confirmation email to the author who submitted the abstract. This author is considered to be the presenting author and is not necessarily the first author.

Q: I would like to register for the SCS, but I can’t afford it. What can I do?

A: You can apply for a fellowship: https://www.scs2020.iscbsc.org/fellowship

Q: If I am selected for an oral presentation, should I also prepare a virtual poster?

A: We strongly encourage you to submit a poster even if you were selected to present your work orally.